We, the founders of Currant, began as makers, weaving our dreams and skills into the digital world. Our mission was to share, learn, and connect, but we found existing platforms lacking for makers, leading us to create something better - Currant.
Digital platforms presented obstacles for makers, with burdensome tools and algorithms that favored quick consumption over quality. End users struggled to find comprehensive content in a sea of superficial videos, making genuine learning elusive.
Despite these challenges, the bond between makers and learners endured, inspiring us to create Currant. Our platform celebrates the maker's journey, enhancing tools, prioritizing quality, and fostering a community where passions unite and talents flourish.
Currant honors the maker in everyone, providing a haven for shared passions and boundless learning. Join us in this revolution and redefine the narrative with Currant, where every story, creation, and connection matters.